Flexible hose
Flexible hose is available in a variety of weights and sizes. Eximo flexible hose contains a unique organic compound which is added to the Polyurethane and attracts air borne moisture, creating a continuous circuit that removes static build up as product moves through the duct. These high-quality hoses will not lose their antistatic properties as they wear. FoodFlex® is a slightly different hose, so click on our products below for more detailed information and to identify which flexible hose meets your needs.
Wood and Paper (Anti-static) Hose
PolyFlex Light®
Light weight and very flexible polyurethane ducting
Medium weight and very flexible polyurethane ducting
PolyFlex Heavy®
Heavy weight and flexible polyurethane ducting
Medium weight and very flexible ducing for Cnc processing centers
Note: Antistatic properties not built-in.
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