speedLOCK Modular Ducting

The manufacturing industry is at risk of an unclean work environment where fumes, dust, or other suspended airborne matter are produced. Airborne matter must be extracted without leakage of air or product, and to do so, organisations need to invest in high-quality, long-lasting modular ducting.

Eximo speedLOCK has an extensive range of superior quality modular ducting which is manufactured with high quality assurance guaranteeing you many years of highly-effective service from your Eximo speedLOCK system.

For more information on our products, and how we can assist with your modular ducting needs, contact us today.

Product Range:

Standard Modular Ducting
Heavy Wall Modular Ducting
Locks And Fittings
Gates and Valves
Other Fittings
All product design specifications are subject to change without notice. 
Images are for illustration purposes only
developed by Pretty Clever Consulting

Additional Product Information and Availability




Product Diameter (optional)